You are not a statistic. You’re someone with dreams and plans. You’ve tried fitness routines, rounds of dieting, and possibly even prescription medications. Still, your weight is affecting your health, your confidence, and your happiness.
So, how are you going to beat your weight problem? You need a better option. If you are committed to transforming your life, then the LAP-BAND® System just might fit you.
At its most basic level, the LAP-BAND® System is an effective, minimally invasive procedure and gradual weight loss solution to help you keep your weight off over time and it’s reversible.12
The best news? It works. Since 1996, over 860,000 people globally have chosen the LAP-BAND® System, with hundreds of thousands achieving lasting, healthy weight loss.1 Maybe it’s the solution you have been looking for. Maybe it fits. We are here to help you find out.
Effective, safe*, lasting weight loss12.
The ultimate reason to consider the LAP-BAND® System is that you simply want to transform your life. You want to be able to enjoy a morning bike ride. Or go on a second honeymoon. Or chase your children around the garden.
You just want to feel better, both physically and emotionally. But first, you have to lose the extra weight—safely and intelligently.
The LAP-BAND® System can help you do that. It has been proven to provide significant weight loss—weight loss that lasts.
Please remember that not all weight loss centres are the same. It’s important that you go to a LAP-BAND® System Specialist for your surgery and your follow-up care. Use the LAP-BAND® System Specialist locator to find a qualified Specialist near you.12
*The LAP-BAND® System procedure, as with any surgical procedure, has risks that should be discussed with a qualified LAP-BAND® System specialist. Click here to learn more about the risks of the LAP-BAND® System procedure.
- Data on file. ReShape Lifesciences Inc.
- Robert Michaelson, Diane K. Murphy, Todd M. Gross, and Scott M. Whitcup. LAP-BAND® for Lower BMI: 2-Year Results from the Multicenter Pivotal Study. Obesity (2013) 21:1148–1158.
- Ray James, Ray Shahla. Safety, efficacy, and durability of laparoscopic adjustable gastric banding in a single surgeon U.S. community practice. Surgery for Obesity and Related Diseases. 2011.
- Hutter Matthew, et al. First Report from the American College of Surgeons Bariatric Surgery Center Network: Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy has Morbidity and Effectiveness Positioned Between the Band and the Bypass. September 2001.
- DeMaria Eric, Pate Virginia, Warthen Michael, Winegar Deborah. Baseline data from American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery-designated Bariatric Surgery Centers of Excellence using the Bariatric Outcomes Longitudinal Database. Surgery for Obesity and Related Diseases 6. 2010.
- The Longitudinal Assessment of Bariatric Surgery (LABS) Consortium. Perioperative Safety in the Longitudinal Assessment of Bariatric Surgery. The New England Journal of Medicine Vol. 361 No. 5. July 30, 2009.
- Dixon John, Chapman Leon, O’Brien Paul. Marked Improvement in Asthma after LAP-BAND® Surgery for Morbid Obesity. Obesity Surgery. 1999.
- Dixon John, O’Brien Paul. Health Outcomes of Severely Obese Type 2 Diabetic Subjects 1 Year After Laparoscopic Adjustable Gastric Banding. Diabetes Care, Volume 25, Number 2. February 2002.
- Dixon John, Schachter Linda, O’Brien Paul. Sleep Disturbance and Obesity: Changes Following Surgically Induced Weight Loss. Arch Intern Med/Vol 161. Jan 8, 2001.
- Dixon John, O’Brien Paul. Gastroesophageal Reflux in Obesity: The Effect of LAP-BAND® Placement. Obesity Surgery. 1999.
- Long-Term Outcomes After Bariatric Surgery: Fifteen-Year Follow-Up of Adjustable Gastric Banding and a Systematic Review of the Bariatric Surgical Literature, Annals of Surgery , Volume 257, Number 1, January

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What’s Your Body Mass Index?
Your body mass index—or “BMI”—is important to know. You can calculate it quickly and easily here.
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